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Home > Club > Members Only > Forum for Members

Forum for Members

We have activated a member's forum and we are urging members to participate in discussions especially as the long Winter nights will soon be upon us.

In order to access the forum members will be required to use the private members portal on our website. You will need to use the email address that you have for club communications and the password that was issued to you at some stage. Dont worry if you have lost or mislaid it you can request a new one by clicking on the "forgotten password" link.

Messages or threads that do not meet the guidelines set out below are subject to removal and/or closure. In addition, Members who do not adhere to the rules / guidelines set out may have their account closed and be banned from the website.

Family-friendly and appropriate for viewing by all age groups.

· No Expletives - Cursing Swearwords Profanity.

· No threats, prejudiced/predjudical comments, hate speech.

· No sexually explicit language, or other content that is not appropriate for our community.

Non-hostile / threatening - PYBC encourages active discussions in our forums. However, forums will only thrive against a background where all members feel safe and welcome to participate. To ensure this outcome, the following will not be tolerated:

· Messages targeting members with for personal comments, insults, or similar.

· Challenges to any member's right to participate.

· Allegations of fraudulent forum posts or reviews aimed at a specific business, individual or premises/property

· Sarcastic or malicious remarks or observations.

· Posting of any contact or personal information about any member without their prior permission.

· Posting by those aged under 13 years.

Free from selling

We welcome reviews, referrals and recommendations from our members, but visitors do not visit the club forum to be sold to.

This guideline extends to include requests/invitations to participate in Polls, Surveys etc.

This is not a Buy and SELL facility

  • Authentic and original

It is not permissible to post copyrighted material or content that has been published elsewhere. This means that you may not post content that you do not have permission to publish. This includes, but is not limited to: all copyrighted material from any source including online sources, printed publications etc., trademarks, passwords, vouchers/discount codes, or the intellectual property of any other entity whether a registered business or individual.


Even in a well-constructed, thoughtful post, a single expletive, hostile comment or personal insult may lead to the removal of the post.

PYBC reserves the right to remove any post for any reason. We are obviously keen to keep the removal of posts to a minimum, but we will take the necessary steps to ensure our forum is as welcoming and conducive as possible to helpful discussion and to serving the best interest of all visitors.

We in the club are new to this form of communication so we reckon there will be a few hiccups along the way so we will beg your patience and feedback.

This can only work if there is participation so its success or failure is up to you

Last updated 15:08 on 3 October 2024

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